Firefox Driver For Mac
Mozilla Release Drivers are the group of individuals that are entrusted with the coordination of Firefox releases, formally defined by membership in the mozilla-next-drivers Bugzilla group and the mailing list. Since 2011 and the advent of the rapid release model, the Release Management Team has coordinated a majority of Firefox release work, from change approval based upon risk/reward to the tracking and resolution of critical release issues.

The best way to reach out to Firefox release drivers is to contact release-drivers <>. This is a non-public moderated mailing list.
Firefox For Mac 10.5.8
Latest Firefox For Mac
To start Firefox browser on MAC using Selenium webdriver we have to use gecko driver which will interact with Firefox browser.In the previous post, we have already discussed how to work with Chrome on MAC using Selenium. In Selenium 2 we have not used any driver for Firefox but in Selenium 3 for every browser, we have to use third party driver which will perform our task. This video shows how to configure gecko driver Firefox for selenium web driver on MAC and Windows. Firefox remote protocol command mappings updated. All Marionette commands changed to make use of the WebDriver: prefixes introduced with Firefox 56. Overhaul of Firefox preferences. Already deprecated preferences in Firefox versions earlier than 57 got removed. Webdriver crate upgraded to 0.36.0. Force use of IPv4 network stack. Restart your computer. Sometimes problems can be fixed by simply restarting your computer.